5 reasons your next induction video should include drone footage

Over the past year, the use of drones and their application has become more noticeable. Seemingly a day doesn’t pass without a news story talking about, or a viral Facebook video being posted, showing something crazy regarding a drone.
Many leading TV and news channels now employ in-house qualified pilots to capture footage.
With all the excitement and buzz around drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s), it’s no surprise that we use drone footage to produce the best quality induction videos for your site.
Here are 5 of the key benefits of using drones – which is exactly why we do!
1. Time
Traditionally to obtain aerial footage, helicopters were predominantly used due to their versatility over a fixed winged plane. Not only was this expensive for companies – which is why these kinds of shots were rarely used outside of big budget movies or tv shows, the process was very time consuming.
In order to arrange a helicopter shoot, there was time needed to prepare onsite, managing staff and additional crew and ensuring health and safety procedures were met.
A drone team is much smaller and normally only consists of the pilot and the camera operator as a minimum. This means that once arriving on site, we can be up and flying in around 5 minutes, assuming all site surveys and risk assessments have been completed. Also, should the lighting or weather during the day go against us, we can simply land our drone and wait for the next window of opportunity. Even with a window of only a few minutes, we can launch our drone and get the required shot, something manned aircraft can never do. This means a more efficient production (which means less cost and more ROI for your business)
2. Full HD Quality
As technology has improved, drones are still able to shoot in full HD and create amazing aerial videos, 4k HD and higher without sacrificing any quality. This quality immediately gives a solid first impression to any visitors or new employees watching your induction videos.
Gone are the days of grainy footage and having to cut costs for internal projects. The higher the quality of video, the more engaging it will be for your audience.
3. Application
Many think that drone footage can only be used for high end productions, such as films or TV shows like news shows or music videos. Drones can be used across any medium and any genre. So using drone footage in your site induction videos will make you stand out against your competitors.
Construction sites, for example, can benefit from using drone footage to show a number of different perspectives in their videos – tailored to specific visitor or employee types.
4. Versatility
Drones are far more flexible than helicopter shoots. The size of a drone allows it to get into far more places that just is not possible with a traditional flight crew shoot. Whether you’re needing footage from just a few centimetres above a surface, or up to 400 feet in the air to create one long continuous panoramic shot, a drone is the best option.
Our drones can also capture indoor footage. Do you have an extensive warehouse unit needs to be featured in your induction videos? We can get into every nook and cranny with our drones.
5. Affordable
And all of the above - and more – costs just a fraction of the cost of using a helicopter and crew. So no matter what your site is – we can capture the exact footage you need – at an affordable price.
Get in touch with us today.