8 Things All Good Induction Managers NEED To Know

Heavy industry induction managers (those working in construction or mining operations) will be well aware of how vital it is for an organisation's management plan to flow without a hitch. Particularly in a constantly changing industry involving contract workers.
You might be a hiring manager looking to employ a new induction manager. If that's the case, you'll obviously want to hire the best person for the job and our 8 tips are all things that ANY induction manager should know.
The below 8 items can be used as a screening activity to help you hire the right candidate. Alternatively, if you're an induction manager - make sure you've brushed up on the below items to provide the best possible inductions to your new starters.
1 - Location, Location, Location
We're not talking about the day-time tv show... but a frequent problem amongst construction workers & contractors is that they receive the same health & safety rules and induction for every different location or site they work on.
However, different work sites will present their own individual rules, regulations, hazards and so on. So it's important to provide specific training bespoke to each different site.
Tesco does an excellent job of laying out all their supermarkets in the same manner - so no matter which store you step into, you can easily find your way around. If this is the approach an induction manager takes to site inductions, it might be time to swap the hard hat for a barcode scanner.
Instead - tailor induction sessions so that they are specific to each different site, so that a travelling contractor gets the information they need for each site. Highlight specific hazards, entry or exit points and regulations that apply to that specific site.
2 - Specific Training for Each Worker
Employee's aren't robots. When hiring new recruits, even though you'll hire from a specific job description - everyone you employ won't be the same. Different workers will have their own strengths and weaknesses.
A new recruit undergoing an induction containing a morning of information that may be teaching them to suck eggs will bore them and cause an instant lack of interest. On the flip side, the basics do need to be covered, particularly for those who are perhaps less experienced.
Remember when you were in school. If you were learning something new, you were probably more interested. If you were covering things you already knew - you probably started an Art Attack on your desk.
As an induction manager - make sure that training and inductions can cater for different skill levels so that every employee has the best possible start to their new role.
3 - Self Learning Elements
Self learning allows contractors to go at their own pace (as well as making your induction process more efficient). The Intasite Online Induction Software System will allow any one of your contractors carrying out an induction to learn through text, video and audio and complete an induction exam - in their own time - ensuring they take everything in.
4 - Evaluating Success
How successful is your current induction process? Do you know? Would you even know how to quantify its success?
If not... You have a problem.
When completing the induction process, you have the perfect opportunity to gather feedback.
Issuing an anonymous survey about their experiences can help you mould future induction sessions. Also, online induction software with a mandatory exam will provide you pass and fail rate data.
If you find a lot of people are failing first time round - it could be a sign that you need to redesign the induction session.
5 - Gamify Induction Exams Rates
Many sites will require the same induction every 3/6/12 months. Some may require an induction on every visit.
Good induction managers will know how to motivate contractors taking this to learn and aim for a higher score.
This reduces the monotony of repetitive, essential inductions and keeps staff motivated.
How can you do this? A simple score / ranking system can be used and every 6 months the top x number of employees will receive a prize such as high street vouchers.
6 - Record Keeping
Any induction manager worth their salt will have efficient record keeping processes in place. The old fashioned way is a drawer full of folders and paperwork.
However a more efficient and modern method would be online record keeping. Find out more about how the Intasite record keeping system will improve efficiency in your organisation.
7 - Variety & Visuals
Hands up if you love a morning of health and safety powerpoint torture.
Health and safety training and inductions can be very boring. However - they don't have to be.
A variety of learning methods will keep inductees engaged, interested and learning. A combination of the below makes for a good mix:
Group Tasks
Combine these with your standard presentation and you're onto a winner.
8 - Successful Inductions Make For Happy Workers (Who are more likely to stay working for you)
A quality induction will make any new starter feel like part of a team from their very first experience of being in your company.
Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person - not just an employee - are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability. (Anne M. Mulcahy, Xerox Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
Your Next Step
Use our 8 top tips during your next induction phase and we promise your staff will have a better induction experience.
Intasite are happy to help - at any stage of the process, so get in touch with us today!