Benefits of using animated maps as part of your site induction

Site inductions have a reputation for being long-winded and can mean that one of your trained employees or contractors need to be taken away from their daily duties to complete inductions, which can become a strain on time and budgetary resources. It’s also common that visitors or overseas drivers may struggle with comprehension due to unfamiliarity or language barriers, and using video can become costly, especially if your venue is constantly developing and expanding. However, they’re often a legal requirement and are necessary from a health and safety standpoint.
It’s our goal to streamline this process and reduce the impact on daily proceedings, making it easier for visitors to navigate around your site whilst also meeting your health and safety requirements. Our team at Intasite are industry experts in producing health and safety videos that expertly convey clear and concise messages, so that your visitors are made aware of site rules and regulations and to prepare them for your processes before they even arrive at the location.
So, why are interactive maps important?
1. Improve Engagement and Interaction
We have found that interactive maps are also incredibly beneficial at improving the induction process, as visitors are provided with a simple view of your site whilst eliminating any ‘clutter’ that can often be seen in photographs or video walkthroughs. Intuitive navigation and the ability to interact with items on the map increases user engagement and helps the visitor immerse themselves in to the location before so they know where they need to be upon arrival, demonstrating points of interest such as admin buildings, or parking and construction areas.
2. Break Down Language Barriers
Providing your visitors with an interactive map can also help bridge the language gap for overseas workers, since they are easier to understand - especially by using internationally recognised symbols. The Intasite system can also translate your induction into any language, ensuring that your overseas visitors are familiar with site regulations and procedures.
3. Transform Your Maps
Your visitors are also able to transform your digital solution into a physical map by simply printing it out if they prefer to stick to ‘traditional’ methods and carry a map on-the-go. Having something physical they can refer to if they forget their way can help visitors and workers navigate around the site with ease, meaning your staff can utilise their time more effectively.
4. Update Easily as Your Site Expands
A final benefit of using interactive maps in your site induction process is the ease in which you can update the maps to accommodate new buildings, site progressions and any evolving changes to your location. This saves you the time and cost of having to film on site again to implement these new changes.
The Method
We take any existing plans of your site, combined with any CAD files or recent photographs available, and even Google Earth maps if necessary to provide us with the information we need to produce a plan.
We use Adobe Illustrator to draw the physical plan of what will be required, and then use Cinema 4D to convert and extrude the drawing into a 3D model. We will then add important sites and notifications such as hazards, speed limits, warning signs and key buildings, and build them up, alongside the finished voice over.
Interested in finding out more? Get in touch with us on 01642 903090, send an email to [email protected] or simply click ‘request a demo’ below!